Para acessar o audio, clique aqui. Ouça o audio (requer QuickTime Player instalado no seu computador) em inlês do enunciado das três leis de Kepler, e acompanhe com o texto escrito, reproduzido abaixo:
The three Keple´s Laws: Kepler's First law states that planets move in ellipses around the Sun, with the Sun off center at the focus of the ellipse. Kepler's second law describes the fact that a planet moves fastest in its orbit when it is nearest the Sun. If you imagine a line connecting the planet and the Sun, the line sweeps out equal areas in equal times. Kepler's third law relates the size of a planet' s orbit to the time period it takes the planet to complete one orbit around the Sun. The law states that the period in years squared equals the semi-major axis of its orbit in Astronomical Units cubed.
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