Enjoy this song with lyrics by ABBA, for the musical Mamma Mia!: Our Last Summer.
(Pratique e aprenda inglês com material disponivel na Internet e selecionado pelo Grupo FísicAnimada. Comentários e sugestões são bem vindos.)
22 de fev. de 2009
21 de fev. de 2009
Para escolher níveis mais avançados, clique aqui. Em seguida, cique sobre um dos números de 1 a 6.
20 de fev. de 2009
Gogo: She´s My Mother
Hello kids! We are back with a new adventure of Gogo and his team: She´s My Mother. Enjoy and improve you English!
19 de fev. de 2009
Daily Pronunciation: Bestow
Do you know the meaning of bestow? The video tells you the meaning and shows you how to pronunce it. Go ahead!
Count along to 100! (4kids)
17 de fev. de 2009
Learn English: Grocery Shopping
Do you like shopping? What do you need to buy? Do you like green or red apples? This video will help you to go shopping in the grocery store. It will show you how to ask and answer questions using the helping verbs "do" and "does" and the question word "what". Enjoy!
Song: Reflections of My Life
Enjoy this beautiful song with lyrics by the pop band Marmelade: Reflections of My Life.
15 de fev. de 2009
Song: Incy Wincy Spider (4kids)
Hello kids! I am sure you will like this song! Please follow the words.
14 de fev. de 2009
Rhymes For Learning English
Listen and folow the words for these beutiful rhymes to help you to learn English. Do you know the meaning of the word "rhyme"? According to the Dictionary.com, rhyme means 1. identity in sound of some part, esp. the end, of words or lines of verse. 2. a word agreeing with another in terminal sound: Find is a rhyme for mind and womankind. 3. verse or poetry having correspondence in the terminal sounds of the lines. Enjoy these rhymes to learn some English!
Verbs: Irregular Verbs
This video shows you a list of the present, past and past participle tenses of some irregular verbs you should know. The meaning of the verbs are given by pictures. Go ahead!
song: My ABCs (4kids)
Hello kids! This is a new version of the ABC´s song. Sing and learn more about the English ABCs.
Beatles: The Long And Winding Road
Here you have another Beatles song with lyrics. The Long And Winding Road. Enjoy it!
13 de fev. de 2009
Gogo: What´s his name (4kids)
Hello kids! Enjoy this new adventure of Gogo: What´s his name. Bye bye! See you next time!
12 de fev. de 2009
Song: Breathe by Paramore
Enjoy this song (Breathe) with lyrics by Paramore. Paramore is a rock band formed in Tennessee, USA, in 2004. Teens love their songs. Look at the video and follow the words! By the say, "Breathe" means to take air, oxygen, etc., into the lungs and expel it; inhale and exhale; respire.
Daily Pronunciation: Opulent
The yesterday´s word is "opulent". So sorry, I forgot to upload this word yeasterday! Enjoy it anyhow!
Daily Pronunciation: Agile
Today you will learn how to pronounce the work "agile". What is its meaning?
11 de fev. de 2009
Gogo: My name is Gogo
Hi kids! Let me introduce you Gogo! Do you know Gogo? Here we start with a series of Gogo´s stories that will help you kids to learn English and have lots of fun! This is just the first story: "My name is Gogo"! Enjoy kids! Bye bye by now!
Olá crianças! Apresento o Gogo pra vocês! Neste video vocês vão conhecer o Gogo e sua turma. Com eles vocês vão aprender inglês e se divertir muito. Aproveitem!
Os videos para criança também ajudam os adultos iniciantes em inglês.
Telling the time
So often you need to know the right time. Do you know how to tell the time in English? Learn more about it here!
Flash cards (4kids)
Hello kids! let´s learn lots of words in English? Great! Listen to the words pronunciation and look at the picture, ok? Bye bye!
É isso ai! Vamos aprender a pronunciar várias palavras em inglês. Ouça a pronúncia e veja na imagem significado da palavra.
Pay attention on the pronunciation of some words in English. This video will help you to pronunciate some English words. Go ahead with it!
Text: The Truth About Your Heart

10 de fev. de 2009
Song: Opposites (ykids)
Hi kids! Let´s learn a bit about "opposites". The opposite of fat is thin. Learn much more listening to this song! Bye bye!
Learn english: Directions
This video shows you how to ask for directions to find out the place you look for. Don´t get lost! Please, be polite when you ask for direction, for example: "Excuse me, where is the beach?". To give directions you use words like Turn right, turn left, go straight etc. Have fun!
Classical: Adagio
Got tired of studing English? Relax a little bit and listen to a classical music like this shown here. "Adagio" is a barroc music composed by the italian musician Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (1671-1751). Enjoy!
9 de fev. de 2009
Song: I don´t know how to love him
This is a beautiful song from the Jesus Christ Superstar rock opera by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. It highlights the political and interpersonal struggles of Judas Iscariot and Jesus. It is worth listening!
The Beatles: Hello Goodbye
Hello! Hope you like The Beatles as I do! Sing "Hello Goodbye". Further Beatles song will come next. Bye!
Song:Dust in the wind
This is one of the most beautiful pop song I have ever heard. Hope you like it. "Dust in the Wind" is a hit single released by the American progressive rock band Kansas in 1977. Enjoy!
Slang: Cut from the same cloth
According to the dictionary (we would recommend dictionary.com) slang means - "very informal usage in vocabulary and idiom that is characteristically more metaphorical, playful, elliptical, vivid, and ephemeral than ordinary language, as Hit the road". The slang we introduce today, cut from the same cloth, means things that are very similar, or as we say in Portuguese, "farinha do mesmo saco". Great translation, actually. Wait for the next slang!
Daily pronunciation: Facetious
Today´s word is "Facetious". Do you know its meaning and pronounciation? Try here!
Song: Lots of shapes (4kids)
Kids, I am back to show you this very nice song about shapes: circles, triangles, square, house, cross and many others. Learn a bit about shapes.
song: Do you like fruit? (4kids)
Hi kids, do you like fruit? Yes, of course you all do! Which fruit do you like most? Enjoy this song and the so cute video!
Song: It´s a long way
Here you can hear another beautiful song by Caetano Velloso in the voice of Olivia Broadfiel. The video also shows the lyric´s translation. If you wish, follow the English lyrics here: It´s a long way / Woke up this morning / Singing an old, old Beatles song / We're not that strong, my lord / You know we ain't that strong / I hear my voice among others / Through the break of dayHey, brothers / Say, brothers / It's a long long long long way. Have fun!
8 de fev. de 2009
Daily Pronunciation: Inevitable
The today´s word is "Inevitable". Learn the meaning and how to pronounce this word.
Song: London, London
One more song. This time we shall listen and read the words to the pretty song by Caetano Velloso on London. Enjoy it!
Song: We are the champions
Of course, you have already heard this song. But, by the way, do you know the words? Listen to the music and follow the lyrics. Great song by the great pop band Queen!
7 de fev. de 2009
TOEFEL Listening 1
For those who intend to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language™) exam. Listen to the viedeo and answer the quesions. Go ahead and practice it!
Daily Pronunciation: Communicate
The English word for today is communicate. Listen and see how it is pronounciated. See you next!
6 de fev. de 2009
Daily Pronunciation: Gratuitous
The today word for you to learn the pronounce is "Gratuitous". Let´s go on and practice!
Song: Days of the week (4kids)
It´s time to learn the days of the week. Go ahead kids and sing with the video.
5 de fev. de 2009
English Vocabulary: Animals
Learn the names of animals, birds and fish: bear, deer, cow, dog, duck, eagle, and many others. Kids are welcome to this video too.
Song: Mr. Sun (4kids)
Sr. Sol (Mr. Sun), Sol dourado, por favor, brilhe sobre mim... Ouça a música, acompanhe a letra e traduza. Enjoy!
Song: Baa Baa Black Sheep (4kids)
Letra da música: Baa, baa black sheep / Have you any wool? / Yes sir, yes sir. / Three bags full. / One for my masterand / One for my dame. / One for the little boy / Who lives down the lane. Qual o significado de wool? Procure no dicionário (do google, por exemplo, http://translate.google.com.br/translate_t#enptwool).
Music: Rain, Rain, Go Away! (4kids)
Hi there kids! Just sing with the video. The music this time is rain, rain, go away! Try to tanslate it and see its meaning. Entenderam tudo? Nao? Oh, boy! Então ouça a música e procure entender o significado da letra! It´s cool!
Daily Pronunciation: Equivalent
A palvra de hoje que vamos aprender apronunciar é "equivalent". Just practice!
Learn English:Families
O assunto deste video e a familia. Aprenda a falar sobre a sua família: father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin, and many other relatives. Ouça atentamente e pratique. Is your family big?
4 de fev. de 2009
Song: London Bridge is Falling Down (4kids)
Esta música é muito famosa. A torre de Londres está canindo... You kid will like it very much!
Across the Universe (with lyrics)
Quem não gosta de música? Além de ouvir nossa música preferida, melhor ainda é poder entender a letra, em inglês. Across the Universe... Just listen and enjoy!
Learn the Numbers (4kids)
Depois de aprender o ABC, vamos aprender a pronúncia dos números 1, 2, 3,..., 10, 100, 1000 e 0. Os outros números aprenderemos depois. Go ahead kids!
Learn the Alphabet (4kids)
Hi kids! Vocês gostaram da música do ABC em inglês? Ótimo, agora vamos ouvir, neste video, o alfabeto inglês completo com um exemplo de uma palavra que inicia com cada letra: A for Apple, B for Ball, C for Cat and so on. Have fun!
song: ABCs song (4kids)
Daily Pronunciation: Hurtle
Aprenda o significado e a pronúncia correta de uma nova palavra todos os dias. Serão 365 palavras no ano! A palavra de hoje é hurtle. Enjoy!
Learn English: Time
O assunto deste video, também disponível no Youtube, é o tempo (horas, minutos etc). Veja, ouça e pratique.
Learn English: Introduction
Este video, disponível no Youtube, é o primeiro de uma série que colocamos à disposição, neste blog, a todos interessados e necessitados em aprender inglês. Enjoy!